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วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Making the Most of the Least by Dr. Clifton Mays

Today's tip will be a little different. It's more of a saying than a tip, but if you apply what this saying implies, then you will live a happier and more fulfilled life.
The saying comes from a plaque on the wall of my chiropractic school. It states "One Of These Days, Is None Of These Days."
Now I know we've all heard that before, and we all have our own interpretation of this saying, but I want to give you a way to make it apply to your life.
In order for us to live our lives, it requires that we take action. This action does not have to be giant: like taking a rocket to the moon, but it can be as simple as throwing away a single sheet of paper. Let me explain.
We all have dreams and goals in our lives. Most of the time these dreams and goals seem so big that we feel we can never reach them. I was listening to a televised sermon about this very thing. The speaker was talking about how we all have dreams for our lives. He stated that it is our job to commit to our dreams and the rest will follow. He used an example of a CEO he was talking to at a convention. This CEO had a dream of being on T.V. The speaker asked him why he wasn't on T.V. and the CEO made up all kinds of excuses (it cost too much money - yeah right - this guy's a CEO, too much time - again - he was on vacation for this seminar, etc). The speaker finally got tired of his excuses and said, "Sir, will you commit to being on TV by next year." This put the man on the spot. He thought about it, and said that "yes - he would commit to his dream".
Once this action step was taken, the speaker turned to the rest of the group and asked which one of them would help this man realize his dream. One of the others in the group was a T.V. producer and was finishing filming his latest series. He spoke up that he would be able to finish his series and film a pilot for the CEO at the end of the next month. So the CEO was on his way to fulfilling his dream, just by committing to it.
This is the same for each of us. We cannot sit and wait for our ship to come in, we need to at least check and make sure the ship is coming. If we continue to wait for "one of these days", then nothing will ever change. We can use all the excuses we want, from "I'll get started when I retire, or when the kids grow up, or when the car is paid off, or when our kids move closer", but "one of these days" will never come. It is up to each one of us to take the first step on making our goals and dreams come true.
Like the speaker, I'm going to ask each of you to take a look at something you've been waiting on. (a goal, a dream, a project, whatever) Make the commitment to start working on your dream TODAY. Take one simple step that will put you on the path toward your dreams. It could be as simple as picking up a phone and ordering a catalog to the local community college. It could be searching the Internet for a real estate broker who specializes in what you are looking for. Or it could be as simple as throwing away a piece of paper that you've been saving because you'll get to it "someday".
Make today the first day of the rest of your life. As Nike says "just do it." Or as B.J. Palmer was quoted with saying "GET THE BIG IDEA, ALL THE REST WILL FOLLOW!"
If you want more information about making the first steps to following your dream, call Dr. Mays or e-mail me at drmays@painfreeover50.com
Make it today!
Dr. Clifton Mays

